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Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Suffering for My Art!

As I nursed my slightly singed thumb at card class last month, my mind ran to all the different kinds of injuries suffered for the sake of our art. Knowing that misery loves company, this blog was born. Tools of torture or creative necessities? You decide…

Hot glue gun – fingerprints may have been permanently altered
Xacto knife sliced thumb – paid particular attention not to smudge blood on newly created book pages

Glitter everywhere (including the eyes)
Paint brush cleaned in your coffee cup (do not try this at home!)
Beads swallowed by pet (hopefully not by you), stepped on with bare feet or fingers pinched with jewelry tools
 A Bead headed pin / Styrofoam creation turned out great - loss of feeling in finger tips only lasted for a short while

Sewing needles found with fingers, toes and the occasional tuchus
A wide assortment of cuts; pretty paper turned on me, newly sharpened scissors slipped, overly industrial paper trimmers, etc.
Fumes and burns from hot encaustic wax and spray sealants
Tiny glass slivers from glass cutting mosaic scraps
Slight skull injury from sliding the piercing tool behind ear (missed again)

So remember to carefully pack your basic tool kit; scissors, glue stick, black ink pad, bone folder, several band aids, Excedrin for eye strain headaches, etc…  Instead of scaring me, reading this reminds me of some great projects. So be careful... but if you feel that creating is vital to your existence and a little pain is worth it, you might be an artist!


1 comment:

Unknown said...

And then there are always the hives from mildly allergic reactions to art supply products:)