Thursday, August 5, 2010
$25 & you receive a free crop!
Sign up to be a part of Scraphappy's new monthly Layout Kit Club! We will be meeting on the first Thursday of each month from 6pm-8pm. In addition to the club, you will receive 1 free crop pass to be used anytime during that month to come and finish any projects you've got going on or layouts that you didn't finish. The kit contains enough product to create 6 layouts, with plenty of extras! Included in each kit will be a photo of each layout for reference. This months kit comes with an additional package of My Mind's Eye letter stickers so if you want a different title, you can change it. Kits are available for those who do not wish or cannot attend the class. However, it must be paid for before the date of the class.
Cute class and kit idea! If I didnt live all the way out in Shalimar I would pop on over! However I wouldnt mind posting about your class etc on my blog. I have a section for local and large scrapbook stores etc and wouldnt mind giving you a plug :)
thanks appreciate it!!!
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